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Dedicated to the preservation, education, improved health, & safety of trees since 1972. 
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Pests can do a real number on your precious tree's health. Some destroying your tree's beautiful aesthetic and others bringing fatal disease with them. Your Sims Arborist will create a treatment plan specific to your tree to help keep it in the best shape to fight off these pesky creatures. 

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Working alongside Mother Nature, we utilize her best natural line of defence against pest & disease. Customized treatment plans can include beneficial insects (i.e. Lady Beetles & Lacewings), beneficial fungus, soaps, horticultural oils, & soil biologicals. 

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We all love the beauty the trees bring to our lives, but we may not have that same love with their messy fruit. We offer a variety of treatment options to limit the growth of fruit on trees. 

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82% of California is currently experiencing severe drought. Treatments help increase the tree's water retention, helping to reduce its need for water & your water bill. During times of water reduction mandates, treatments can also keep you in compliance. 

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Need a deeper dive into the health & safety of your tree? Or perhaps you need to know how to protect your tree during contruction? We've got you covered. Sims offers a variety of different types of reports to include the information that is important to you. 

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Sims THS is proud to sponsor Sims Tree Learning Center (TLC), a 6-acre arboretum and botanical gardens serving as a research and education center that offers educational tours of the various gardens that include a tropical conservatory and one of the largest palm tree collections in the Inland Empire. 

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Get In Touch


6111 Appaloosa Ave.

Jurupa Valley, CA 92509


7441 Lower Wyandotte

Oroville, CA 95966

(951) 685-6662 Call or Txt

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